Grouse Mountain – Vancouver, Aug 09


I do not like suspension bridges.  Never have, don’t think I ever will.  However, this is part of the deal if you are going to “do” Grouse Mountain.  Sometimes you just have to “suck it up” so you don’t miss life.  We decided to do a 6 hour tour for Grouse Mountain which included a Capilano Salmon  Hatchery, The Skyride, other entertainment and a ride back to Vancouver on the SeaBus.

Tours are not usually our style, and as usual we didn’t have time to do all that we would have liked, but it was still an eventful day and a great time being out in nature on a gorgeous day.

You will need to check out our pictures to see that I actually did cross the suspension bridge.  The biggest issue is keeping my balance on something that is in constant movement.  Of course, there is also the issue that once you have crossed the bridge, you must cross back if you want to leave the mountain.  Gene checked out the other bridges that were mounted in the tree tops.  He said they were pretty cool.

After our visit to suspension bridge it was a ride up the side of the mountain in The Skyride.  What awesome views.  I used to not like these things either, but I have gotten better about them over the years.The other activities that we enjoyed while on the mountain were the Birds in Motion which were birds of prey.  Always fun to what these creatures up close.  Gene went to see the bears while I just enjoyed the gorgeous day for awhile.  We had lunch and returned down the mountain on The Skyride.

Now it was off to the SeaBus for our 12 minute ride across Vancouver Harbour.  These vessels cross the harbor every 15 minutes during the day.  There was a mixture of commuters and tourists on this transport.  You may also bring your bicycle on board and there were those with their hiking equipment.  It was a beautiful, smooth ride across the harbor.  Back to our hotel to make the difficult decision about where to have dinner.  We chose the Mill Marine Bistro.  We ate outside adjacent to a large park where an evening soccer game was being played, people were running, picnicking, bicycling, relaxing and enjoying the wonderful evening.  What a great end to another great day on “The Glamour of the Road”.


Enjoy our photos


Enjoy the Skyride videos