The Now Revolution – Book Review

Amber Naslund and Jay Baer have hit it out-of-the-ballpark with this publication. It is so much more than a book. I firmly believe that if your firm does social media you should read it as you will learn new information. If your firm doesn’t do social media, you must read it. I know so many firms that are not monitoring their brand or engaging with their customers or have no idea of the importance of social media to today’s business environment.


I think this is such an important business book that I have placed it in the number 1 spot in my Amazon Store.

As stated in the book’s introduction “This isn’t a book about how to “do” social media. It’s a book about how to engineer your business for and in response to what the Web has become.”

I have been saying in my presentations for a number of years that preferred tool of the new generation in our workplaces and your newest customers is their smart phone. I have watched my three grandchildren evolve from loving computers when they were children, to their first phones as young teens to smart phones within about a year of their first phone. Young teens now just want a smart phone. The like to skip all that other stuff unless it might be an iPad in addition to their smart phone. It will become very clear to you in reading The Now Revolution that you better understand how this affects your business.

Today almost all generations use smart phones. While the seniors and boomers were patient clients for years, the smart phone has changed them to also expect immediate responses just like the younger generations. Consider the following:

  • Do you have any idea what is being said about your company on the web?
  • Do you have any idea what people think about your business?
  • Do you want to know how to have a viable web presence?
  • Do you want to know how to engage your customers?
  • Do you want to know the value of engaging in social media?
  • Do you want to know much more?

Then this is the guide for you. In addition to the written word, Amber and Jay have included a lot of practical examples and tools by using Microsoft tags. These tags take you to a website or provide you with a tool. A great use of a relatively new web tool. However, Microsoft tags and QR codes are becoming the norm in print media at an amazing speed. You should be using this technology in all marketing materials and other places too.

I often have required reading for my clients based on what type of work I am doing with them. The Now Revolution will now be required reading whenever we will be working on their social media plan and web presence. Thank you Amber and Jay for such a wonderful set of tools and information.

  • Wow Pat! Thanks so much for the very kind words. I’d be thrilled if you could leave a review on Amazon along those lines. Many, many thanks.

    • Jay, my pleasure. Amazon review done. I am updating parts of my social media branding presentation with some of your great points in the book. I have only been through it once, but it is already dog eared and marked in. Wish I could have been in Austin these past few days. Maybe I will be able to catch you and Amber somewhere else along the way.

      • That would be great Pat. Thanks for the review. Where do you live? I’ll let you know what’s our closest book tour stop.

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