The Adventure of GPS Failure

I rely on my GPS to get me to where I am going when on-the-road. Last week my husband and I were in the Baltimore area. We had been out and about and really only had one incident where I took the wrong turn, which put us in downtown DC instead a road around. However, on our last day the GPS lead us on an adventure.We set out for lunch and a bit of shopping. We left our hotel, arrived at our location with no issues, enjoyed our lunch, shopped and had an ice cream cone before we left.

In the car we selected the hotel address and set about the business of returning in much the same way that we came to Savage, MD. Well one would think that, but in my experience that is not always the case, so I was not disturbed when we it appeared that we were taking a bit different route back.

However, there was a moment when the GPS said to take exit 10A, that I looked at 10B and thought, “this is really the exit we should be taking.” But by then it was too late. I followed the instructions and ended up at the entrance of the NSA. Oh MY!

I explained to the young lady at the guard gate what had happened and asked how to exit. Here response did not make me feel exactly comfortable. She was explaining that I needed to turn right into the fenced lot and park in the available parking space. About that time I could see white SUV marked Police inside that fenced area and then coming toward us at a very slow speed was a large black SUV that looked much like this.

Imposing SUV

The difference was that there was a heavy black grill across the front so you couldn’t see the headlights, the windows were tinted dark and there were red & blue lights flashing from all sorts of places on the vehicle. I thought I had become part of a movie.

So I proceeded as instructed and the black vehicle followed in and parked behind me. The police officer asked me some questions about how we got there and for my driver’s license and rental agreement. He went away to his vehicle to check me out.

He returned and said everything checked out. PHEW! He gave me instructions on how to leave and get back to where we were going. I apologized and he said that this happens several times a day. It appears that the NSA has taken over roads that the GPS doesn’t know are restricted. WooHoo!

There were so many jokes running through my head, but thank goodness common sense kicked in. And I so wanted to take a picture of his vehicle. But alas NO. We have had several good laughs over this. We call these incidents P&G As “Pat & Gene Adventures.”

Another adventure to add to “The Glamour of the Road.” What is your most fun GPS adventure?