HIGH-TECC 2009 Reflections

As usual I leave HIGH-TECC with my head chocked full of new information and ideas.   I have yet to check out any of the new ideas, but it could happen very soon.  Maybe later today.

In addition to lots of new ideas, HIGH-TECC is a great time to see old friends, make new friends and strengthen relationships.  I was fortunate to have the week before HIGH-TECC to wrap up some loose ends so that while in Vail I could focus on the people and happenings there.  This is the one conference where there seems to be the time and opportunities for real networking.  I left refreshed, mind cleaned out from the fresh air and ready to be back at it this week.

As usual, Steve provided us with a great program and Jenny kept us all on track.  I am already looking forward to next year.  I would like to ask that you provide comments on HIGH-TECC Day 2 about the various break-out sessions or any other comments you would like to add to the various posts.

In the photo from left to right: April Feldt, Vertafore, Chris Kinsman, Vertafore, me and my husband Gene.  Visit the HIGH-TECC 2009 FaceBook page for more pictures.