Archives for 2015

Desk Blogging Challenge

John Saddington creator of Desk has challenged everyone to blog or restart your blog. His post today How to Start a New Blog provides great information to give you a push.

It has been close to a year since I last posted at my blog. It always seems to be the last thing on the list. I have great ideas often. Once upon a time I wrote them down and ocassionally I posted some of those ideas. I treated blogging as a part of building my business. I blogged at more than one blog. I burned out. I found that referrals of satisfied clients was my most effective tool.

Thus blogging fell by the wayside. I’m still not sure what I will blog about or how often. Today I downloaded John’s Desk App. I am using it to create and publish this blog. I have used a number of such apps in the past and ditched them. I have to say that this thing is clean, stays out of your way and is easy to setup and use.

We will see how this goes. John you did promise an app for my iPad. Looking forward to having that option.