PLATFORM: Get Noticed in A Noisy World – Book Review

I read a lot of business focused books. Or let me say, I start a lot of business books that I don’t find compelling enough to finish. Not so the new book by Michael HyattPLATFORM: Get Notice in A Noisy World. About two weeks ago I saw Mike post a twitter about applying to join his launch team for this new book. I was attending a meeting about branding and already on knowledge overload, but this was too tempting. 794 people applied. I feel really lucky and honored to become a part of this team. You can see the PLATFORM Launch Team here.

PLATFORM: Get Noticed in A Noisy Word

I was first introduced to Mike’s website/blog a number of years ago by a mutual friend of our Steve Anderson. In a presentation Steve was telling his audience the importance of a blog and if you would like to see how it is done you should subscribe to Michael Hyatt. So I did. I was just getting started in the blogging world and in the process of converting my static site into a blog.

I have learned much from Mike. I am sure my website technical lady is really sick and tired of me emailing her – “I want so and so to act the same way as [blank] does at” Anytime, to this day, someone wants to know why or how to Twitter, I refer them to Mike’s site. I will often refer them there for other reasons as well.

It has been a struggle the past two weeks to fit in reading this book. There was the meeting I was attending, travel and a full week on-site with a client. However, as we all know, if something is important to us we will fit it into our schedules. I began the book before arriving at my client’s office on Monday morning for a “Web Presence Planning Meeting.” How timely was this?

During our meeting we would be having discussion about the firm’s elevator speech. I have had an elevator speech for a number of years, but I didn’t have a structure to share with the client before reading Mike’s book. Right there on Sunday evening in Chapter 9 was the information I needed for that meeting. A couple of other points came up during our meeting that I could draw on the book for answers.

As I read this book, I used the highlighting and notes tool in my Kindle app on my iPad. I have highlighted and made more notes in this book than any other I have ever read. I have a list for me of actions to take, and I am in the process of making a list for 3 of my clients that need to be reviewed and addressed to move them forward in their development of their web presence.

I don’t do many book reviews. A business book must have real value to me in order for me to spend my time on it. I don’t really look at PLATFORM as a book. I look at it a one the tools in my toolbox to improve my business as well as the businesses of my clients.

Thank you Mike for this great tool.

BONUS OFFER: To celebrate the launch of the book this week, Michael is giving away $375.98 worth of free bonus content for those who purchase the book between May 21 and May 25. Complete details are available at 


Bonuses include: Platform Video Jumpstart Program (six sessions), How to Write a Winning Book Proposal (two e-books and two audio sessions), Why NOW is the Best Time Ever to Be an Author (hour-long video), Digital Versions of Platform (audio and eBook), and more!


Do yourself and your future a favor, get this book today, take advantage of Michael’s bonus content and start building or expanding your platform right away!