Archives for February 2011

Joining the Touch Screen Generation

As I continue to expand my work with insurance agencies further into the social media world, it became clear to me that I needed some sort of touch screen device. One cannot be clear on the why, how, when, etc. unless one is able to fully engage and experience.  I also believe that it is important to be able to show people what you are talking about and great examples of good use of technology.


Meeting Famous People You Don’t Know

Jane Roberts

When you sit down on the plane you just never know who your seat mate might be.  Even though Gene and I were traveling together today from Tampa to DFW we were not sitting together.  We had received our American Airlines 1st Class upgrades early this morning and we were sitting in different rows.  While I was busy getting settled into my seat, getting out my music and current book The Now Revolution, Jane arrived on the plane and settled in next to me. We exchanged pleasantries.  She asked what I was reading.  I showed her the book and explained what it was about.  The revolution name on the book had caught her attention.

As I found out she is a very big part in a revolution that plays out everyday all over the world.  Jane Roberts was the cofounder of 34 Million Friends of UNFPA in 2002 when the Bush Administration first announced they would withhold the $34 million that Congress allocated to UNFPA. She had been in Tampa making several speeches in just two days. Jane travels extensively to spread the word and raise funds for this organization.  Jane also has a book, 34 Million Friends of the women of the world. Seems she blogs a bit to at Jane Roberts’s Diary.

Jane is a great example of one individual following her passion and making a difference for many others.  Just another great example of the interesting people I meet while exploring “The Glamour of the Road”.

So You Think Your Staff Doesn’t Use Social Media

I beg to differ with you.  People have actually been using social media since before phones were installed in insurance agencies.  I would actually suggest that the written letter (by hand, typewriter, word processor or computer) could also be considered social media.  In these “old fashioned” communications, while business was being conducted, relationships were also being built.  Many of those letters and phone calls included some personal interaction along with the business communication.  The next step up from the phone and letters were teletype communications, then along came faxes and emails.

Candlestick phone

Enduring Events and Relationships

Thirty-nine years ago two men in Olney, TX were joking around over morning coffee.  They were betting on which one of them could kill the most doves.  Now both of these men have only one arm.  This joking around became the One Arm Dove Hunt.  My husband Gene read about the event in George Dolan’s column in the Fort Worth Star Telegram.  At that 1st hunt, a few men showed up and went hunting that afternoon.

2 Jacks & gene.jpg

Left to Right: Jack Bishop, Gene Alexander, Jack Northrup

Over the years the hunt expanded to include lunch and then a hunt.  Then it became a 2 day event including such activities as trap shooting, a golf tournament, horseshoes, cow chip chunking, local entertainment and an auction (which can be entertainment in itself).  We are now fed 2 lunches, 1 breakfast, 1 dinner and leftovers after the hunt.  This small town pulls together and provides door prizes, volunteers and some of the most wonderful deserts you will ever eat.  Just throw the diet away so you won’t feel guilty.